Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Yet Another Dishcloth

 Or is it a washcloth? I guess it doesn't matter since they're good for either or both although once you use it for dishes you shouldn't switch it to bodies or vice versa. The name of this colorway is Fruit Punch. I guess I can see it, but when I think of punch I think of Hawaiian Punch and that's red. Ah well. I like the colors.

This juvenile Downy Woodpecker had a great time on the suet pellets this morning. It was on one side of the feeder and a Sparrow was on the other side. For a time they coexisted happily but then they both shifted positions toward each other and that's when the Downy started pecking at the Sparrow and drove it off. Bully.

The next lesson in the 30 Minutes book was a tree frog. That was not easy to draw. I didn't start in the right position so that my frog ended up almost off the page on the left but by then it was too late to erase and start again. It turned out recognizable anyway.

I decided to give myself a break and turned to Drawing Cute for something else to draw. I like the alligator the best even though the crab is red which is my favorite color. I named him Jim, Jim Gator.

Well, I followed through with my idea from yesterday and tried my hand at painting a picture of my kohlrabi. It's not the correct shade of green and I couldn't figure out how to save the white of the stems on the orb but at least it's round. LC and I had some for lunch today; it tastes good.

Today's toss was an electric alarm clock that I found on a basement shelf. I don't know how it got missed in the great basement clearout but it didn't escape this time.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

That dishcloth doesn't look like fruit punch to me either -- but I'll take your word for it. Hope you've cooled off some. The weather is too crazy.