Wednesday, July 6, 2022

A Waste of Paint?

I had an eye doctor appointment this morning and, of course, they dilated my pupils so my day was pretty much shot. Even with my reading glasses and hunching over I could barely read. They let me drive home though! I made it fine, I could see big things pretty well so I stayed in the middle and followed the blur ahead of me. That lack of precision sight cut my drawing and painting time down to almost nil. I waited around until my pupils were almost back to normal and then went out and mowed the lawn because today was the sunny and cool day of the week. Not too humid either. I wore a big brimmed hat and my darkest sunglasses and it was fine. But then it came time to figure out what to paint and mowing the lawn was really the only thing I did today so that's what I painted. I kind of like it.

Drawing in the blur was problematic so I waited until after mowing which didn't make my effort at drawing a chess queen any more successful.

But then to assuage my frustration I pulled out 10-Step: Nature and all was well. I don't know what it is about that book but I have the most success when I'm drawing out of it. Maybe it's the artist/author? All I know is that when I draw something out of there it usually turns out.

The suet pellets feeder is nearly empty but this juvenile Downy Woodpecker managed to contort itself around the bottom and peck away at the few remaining pellets. Kids.

I did run an errand after lunch. My sprinkler had stopped oscillating so I went to Ace for a new one. It just so happens that the Sunny Hill Farm truck parks in the corner of their lot so I got more strawberries and was pleased to see that he had bags of sugar snap peas. I brought them home, cleaned them, and put them into the bowl where I usually have my grapes. I've been munching on them since and will probably need more in a few days. Oh, the reason the sprinkler stopped working? A colony of ants had moved in and carried enough soil into the inside that it wouldn't move. Crazy!

Today's toss was a pair of baby-size sunglasses that I finally took out of my car. They wouldn't fit either of the kids.

At the eye doc I had tests and made appointments to have my cataracts removed, one the first Thursday in August and the other the next Thursday. I know a zillion people have had it done, Mom did, Lala did, maybe even you did, but I'm kind of nervous. It's my EYES! It'll be okay, I'm sure of it but I still have butterflies when I think of it. I'll be fine. Just keep telling yourself that, Barbara.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

I did. Had cataracts removed years ago but, like you, I was all adither about it. But it came out fine and I could see better. You'll be glad though, when it's all behind you. I like the Nature book best too.