Monday, July 18, 2022

Farm Stand Goodies

I went to the Sunny Hill Farm stand right at 10 o'clock this morning so that I could be sure of getting strawberries (if he had any) and got lucky. Aren't they beautiful? I'm sure that strawberries won't last much longer.

I also got some blueberries, a few rock-hard peaches that are ripening on the counter, a pound of sugar snap peas, and a kohlrabi. I love the way kohlrabi looks, like Sputnik. They taste good too. I peeled it and cut it up for snacking. I spent over $30 but don't mind spending money for fresh produce this good.

I saw a Hummingbird! I was just starting yoga, doing the chair pose, when I saw a flash of pale green wings and this little female Hummingbird stopped for a sip or ten of nectar. I was beginning to think that with the honeysuckle dying and no nectar rich flowers nearby that my Hummingbird feeding days were over but evidently not. Hooray!

The next page in the 3-D drawing book was the beginning of Lesson "O" so that meant that I drew a page with five versions of the letter. I think I'm getting better at drawing the fluffy one which has always been my downfall.

In 10-Steps: Everyday Things the next figure was a scale. Not a modern scale but a vintage one with a bowl of fruit on top of it. I'll admit that I threw away the page with my first attempt because I drew the bowl of fruit too small and it looked odd so I tossed it and started over. Much better.

For today's watercolor I tried my hand at replicating (in an artistic way) the basket of strawberries. I'm rather pleased with the way it turned out.

It was a hot one today, hot and humid. I think it got up to about 92 degrees so I'm glad that I went out early enough to miss the hottest part of the day. There were a few people at the grocery store with the same idea too. Now I can hunker down indoors tomorrow when it's supposed to be scorching again. I don't mind the 80s but I'm not a fan of the 90s with 80% humidity. Ugh.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Florida weather in Green Bay. That's just wrong. But I'm glad you got out early for your delicious and interesting-looking produce. The strawberries especially -- both versions -- the real ones and your rendition. Good day to stay indoors and draw and paint.