Sunday, July 17, 2022

This Is The Way We Mow The Lawn

Mowing the lawn was my big accomplishment for today. I waited until just after 4 o'clock to go out so that part of the yard was in shade but it wasn't too hot or humid so I survived. The grass must have been extra moist because I ended up having to stop in the backyard and scrape clippings off the underside of the deck so that the blade went around unimpeded and I still got a crapload of grass off when I sprayed it clean at the end of mowing. I refuse to bag the clippings because I have no place to put them now that the garden is gone. Besides, it's a pain having to empty that bag all the time.


A new day lily is blooming on the side of the house. I always forget about this pale peachy lily so it's a pleasant surprise when I see it.

I was dreading when this manikin came up as the drawing of the day but it turned out not to be too hard after all. I took my time and did a fair amount of erasing but I think it turned out pretty well.


The white-footed squirrel visited today. The auto-flash flashed which is why you can see the reflection of the rug on the glass but it didn't stay long enough for me to take another shot with the flash turned off. It spent some time lying flat on its belly on the patio but you couldn't see its feet in that pose.


The next figure in 10-Steps: Nature was an acorn. Well, two acorns really, plus a couple leaves. Once again drawing out of that book made me feel good.


Today's toss was a pair of binoculars that has been sitting on a closet shelf for years and years. I have a smaller pair that I like better so I'm moving the big ones along.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Nice pics today. I love the different daylily and the squirrel shot with the rug reflection looks arty -- to me at least. And your art efforts are great as usual -- especially the acorn.