Sunday, July 10, 2022

Not Quite Everything

This morning I looked out at the ex-garden area to admire the sprouting grass seed and noticed that something was poking up under the straw mat. I went out to see and there was an asparagus spear that had poked through and two more were pushing up the mat. Evidently the landscapers didn't scrape quite deep enough to remove all of the plants. I expected to have mint popping up here and there around the edge but never thought that there'd be asparagus. DD said it's zombie asparagus. Well, if it is, I had zombie asparagus for supper. I only hope that I cooked it enough to steam the zombie out of it.

The next lesson in You Can Draw It In 30 Minutes! was a soup can. I didn't have a soup can in the cupboard but I had a can of chicken broth that I thought was a good substitute.

I'm determined to keep drawing faces until I feel like I get it right. Not so far, but this one is a little better.

I had an idea for today's watercolor but it didn't seem to work out very well. I ended up painting an underwater scene, which seems to be my fallback picture. It's not great or even very good but I painted today and that is good.

I went to the Sunny Hill Farm stand this morning for strawberries and sugar snap peas and saw that he had fresh blueberries. I was planning to get some but the guy ahead of me bought the last quart. Drat! Someone was supposed to be bringing more but the guy didn't know when so I decided not to wait. I went to the grocery nearby but they didn't have blueberries either. Guess I'll try the farm stand again tomorrow.

Today's toss was some outdated PB and a bag of ancient dog treats.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Zombie asparagus sounds fine to me -- especially since its homegrown! You're getting closer to your goal on drawing that face. I feel as if I know her!