Saturday, July 16, 2022

Not Energetic

That's the definition of me today. I just couldn't muster up any energy to do much. Not that it really mattered, nothing got neglected, but I like to have some oomph, some motivation to do more than stare into space or at the boob tube. I probably could have and should have mowed the lawn but I can do that tomorrow. Yeah, I'll do that tomorrow when it's three degrees hotter than it was today. Brilliant.

I couldn't figure out what this Cardinal was doing. It landed on the platform feeder and kept fluttering its wings like it was a baby bird asking to be fed but the juvenile birds have female coloration their first summer so it wasn't a baby. There was a bird that looked like a female Cardinal on one of the crooks at the same time so I wonder if the male was signalling it to come investigate the seeds.

The rudbeckia or Black-eyed Susans have started to bloom. Only one plant has flowers so far but there are a couple more plants that are gearing up to bloom too.

Today's lesson in You Can Draw It In 30 Minutes was a wine bottle and the Bonus Challenge was a wine glass so I drew them side by side. They turned out okay, I think.

The next picture in 10-Steps: Everyday Things was a jam jar. I like the way the top turned out, the shadows of the ruffles look right to me.

I had a little trouble painting today. First I tried my hand at painting the gnome again. It didn't go well. For the first time I threw away the postcard when I was done and started over. I glanced out the window as I was taping the blank postcard onto the plexiglass board and saw the day lilies so I painted them. I had more luck with that.

The daily art page said to draw what you love about autumn so I drew a tree with its leaves changed colors, a pair of jeans, a cotton sweater, my favorite red boots, and a thermometer with the mercury at 60 degrees.

Today's toss was some sidewalk chalk. My driveway is too slanted to be a good canvas for sidewalk chalk art and the patio is too small so the kids never really got into it here.

I hope I wake up with some energy tomorrow. I hate having to force myself to do things but I also hate sitting around all day with nothing to do once I've finished drawing.


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