Wednesday, July 13, 2022

And In Another Spot

Another asparagus popped up. I noticed it this morning. I looked out and thought, hm, there's another something poking up the straw mat, went out and there was this contorted zombie asparagus trying to break free. I cut a few threads of the mat to release it, snapped it off, and ate it for supper. I looked up online when I can mow and I have to wait another few weeks before I mow so I don't uproot the baby grasses and keep the hose on twice a day so it doesn't dry out. I need the grass to make deep roots so that the grass stays put and all the seeds germinate. I'm trying to do this right. I also think that I noticed some mint sprouts around the edge but I'd expected that. I didn't expect the asparagus to survive.

A couple of young Downy Woodpeckers have discovered the suet pellets and make daily forays to the feeder. This one stayed pretty long. Usually they make short visits but this one got into it and was there for at least five minutes. I could have taken quite a few pictures.

The next lesson in You Can Draw It In 30 Minutes was a pointing finger. I wasn't too confident when I started but I kept following his directions and looking at the examples and it turned out pretty well, if I do say so myself.

The Bonus Challenge was a cartoon-ish thumbs up. I didn't do as well with that one so I moved right along to the next thing in 10-Step: Everyday Things. It's a good, old-fashioned radio. Does anyone have one of these anymore? It was pretty simple to draw.

I had a car fixit appointment this morning and when I arrived Jenny said that all of the parts had arrived so she could replace the wheel bearing and the rear springs. It took about an hour and a half but I had my dishcloth knitting and audiobook so waiting was a snap. It even cost a little less than I'd anticipated. Not that it was cheap, mind you, but it wasn't as expensive as I'd feared. Woohoo! The bad news is that I'll need all new tires before winter. It seems mine are starting to crack. !!!! She said to call after August 15 and you can be sure that I will.

Since LC and I filled a box of outgrown kids' books yesterday I'm counting that as today's toss too.

Today my darling DD turned 41 years old. How can that be? I distinctly remember her being a kid just a few years ago.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

That asparagus stalk had to really work hard to get out there. Glad you were able to dine on it so it's struggle wasn't in vain. Happy Belated Birthday to your baby girl.