Thursday, July 28, 2022

Well, Dang It

I went down to the library this morning and got there too late to find any books to sort. There was somebody there ahead of me and there must have been only a few books because she signed out after half an hour. That's the second time I went down on a Thursday and got skunked. But I'll keep going back because I do like doing it and I can afford to lose an hour's parking fee. It's only $1.

I found a few flowers to show you. The one pansy plant that was a gift from the watercolor teacher is happily blooming away. It was the only yellow and maroon one and I was so glad to get it rather than a white or pale purple one.

Another different day lily is blooming too. I think that this is the second flower on this plant and it's yellow and maroon too.

The sedum is getting ready to blossom. The plants are covered in
broad heads filled with tiny buds. Once they open they'll be pink. Very pretty. I like the pale green buds too.

Today was draw a teddy bear day in You Can Draw It In 30 Minutes. I think it took me every one of the 30 minutes to draw this bear. The Bonus Challenge was what he calls a unibear, a teddy bear with a unicorn horn. He claims that it's the most popular of all of the things he draws. I don't see it, it just looks weird to me.

The next item in 10-Steps: Everyday Things was a bathroom shelf. You know, one of those ladder things that has shelves for towels and other bathroom doodads. It was surprisingly challenging to draw. I confess that I used a ruler to make the legs straight.

I made a special trip to the grocery store when I discovered that Nabisco Cinnamon Graham Crackers were in stock. I bought three boxes of them. I'm addicted to them and often they're out of stock so I laid in a supply. I also bought a box of Scooby-Doo graham snacks that the grandkids love. That's another item that's frequently not there. I have a supply of them too. Don't want to run out!

I didn't paint and didn't find anything to toss. Just didn't get around to it. I got the call from the eye surgery center with all of the pre-surgery instructions and questions. Happily I don't have to be there at the crack of dawn and they said that the procedure only takes about 15 minutes. !!! I'll be glad when it's over. I have a whole week to get nervous. I think I'll manage. I know, I know many people have had it done and I know it'll go fine but there's a little imp in the back of my head jumping up and down and bleating out dire warnings. It's very distracting. I'm glad that my knitting friend CS will give me a ride to the center and DS will pick me up and bring me home.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

I'm surprised you have to pay to park at the library. All the ones around here have big parking lots. Nice drawings today -- both very precise. Worrying is part of our DNA. No matter what anyone tells you, when it's your eyes, you worry. I know you'll be glad when it's behind you.