Monday, July 11, 2022

LOF & Lunch

I had an appointment for an oil change this morning and told Jenny the mechanic that the car was rattle-y in the back end. She took a test drive and came back in a few minutes to tell me that I need a left rear strut and left front wheel bearing in addition to the oil change. None of that sounds inexpensive, does it? She changed the oil and I have an appointment on Wednesday to have the wheel bearing replaced. I'll make another appointment when the strut part arrives. Sheesh. It's always something.

Because last Monday was July 4th today was the day that the St. Agnes Class of 1965 met for lunch, at least, five members of it did. We meet at a sports bar that isn't too loud in the middle of the day. I had a Chicken Caesar wrap and tots. Of course I had tots, they're the real reason that I go every month. Three of the five have had cataract surgery and they assured me that it was a breeze. I guess we're officially old, we spent quite a bit of time talking about surgeries, ailments, and the weather. *sigh*

While I waited to go to lunch I started the day's drawings. The daily art page was pretty boring--make swatches of the colors of things in the house. Ho hum. The next figure in the 3-D book was Nine Nostrils. Weird, I know, but I drew it anyway.

Then I pulled out Drawing Cute to find an otter and a shark on the next page. The little instructions are unremittingly cute too--"water flap flaps" instead of "fins"--but I like drawing, inking, and coloring the pictures.

I was still in a drawing mood so I tried my hand at the second page of Draw Like an Artist: 100 Birds, Butterflies, and Other Insects which showed a hawk. I had an easier time drawing the hawk than the eagle which was on the first page. I figured out the unwritten directions on each successive drawing (the new lines are darker) so it was a little easier.

Today's watercolor is another attempt to paint an orange day lily. I'm not thrilled with the way the flower turned out but I like the leaves around it. Can't have everything, I guess.

And that was my day--an oil change, a nasty car repair surprise, lunch, and drawing. Ooh, exciting.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Seems most conversations nowadays involve health issues. That's my world too. Sorry about the car repairs but it happens. Even the car's "health" needs attention! Like your hawk.