Friday, July 15, 2022

Drizzle Day

Well, not all day but all morning and once again the sun didn't come out until near sunset. It was sure dreary and just enough rain to be annoying but probably not enough to water the bushes so I'll have to be sure to get the hose out and get them watered tomorrow.

This wasn't as much fun to draw as yesterday's Noisy Nest but it turned out okay for what it is. A sand pail and shovel can't compete with that nest of fun birds.

I turned to the next face in 10-Steps: People and I think I did a bit better at this one. Maybe I'm getting the hang of this face drawing. Maybe.

Here's the next page in 10-Steps: Nature. It's a fat little chipmunk with its cheeks full of nuts. It's okay. It was fun to color in.

I looked out at the grass seed and saw this different yellow day lily had bloomed. I vaguely remember planting a bunch of different lilies along the side of the lot years ago. I thought that they'd all faded away or died but evidently this one didn't.

And along the retaining wall this rosy pink day lily bloomed. It isn't behind my side of the duplex but I still consider it mine. 


Another asparagus spear was just barely poking up so I tried to finagle it out but ended up cutting it with the threads of the mat. So I ate it raw.

Tonight at Friday Night Knitting first I knitted two rows on that @%#$^ brown alpaca shawl. I just can't muster up enthusiasm for it but I can't in all conscience let it lay in timeout so I'll keep knitting a couple rows every once in a while and eventually I'll just give up and bind off. I have to keep relearning that a project doesn't grow if you don't knit on it.

Once I had those two rows done I switched to the Sunrise dishcloth and finished it just as 9 o'clock rolled around. I still have to weave in the tails but I'll get that done in a jiffy tomorrow.


Today's watercolor is the yellow day lily that I forgot I had planted. It
turned out okay and I'm happier with the leaves and background. It isn't so crowded and messy.

I met KW at the library this morning and we spent about 45 minutes sorting a couple tables of books. I have to remember to only set the parking meter app to one hour since I can always increase it if I need to. I'm tired of paying for two hours and only using half but it's my own fault. I keep just pressing the "park here again" button instead of taking a minute to start a new session. Next time.

Today's toss was a Shirt no. 1 that I put on and realized that the neckline is too wide. I don't like that my bra straps show. I know, everyone seems to be showing their bra straps these days but not me. Out it goes.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Maybe because your shawl is brown is the reason you can't get enthused about it. It isn't a cheerful color like your dishcloth. Pretty daylily watercolor. Well done.