Monday, July 4, 2022

Red, White, and... Green?

I found something red to take a picture of today. This Cardinal came to the platform feeder and stayed just long enough to have his picture taken. He didn't pose very nicely but you can still see his red plumage.

For white I present this visiting squirrel which has four white feet. No really, all four of its feet are white and they look freakishly long too. I don't know if that's because they're white or because of some genetic anomaly.

I was excited when I looked out at the straw mat covering the garden area to see a faint green haze. The grass seed has sprouted. All of my twice-daily watering is paying off (thanks to the hose timer I don't have to remember). Hopefully this afternoon's rain will revive the grass along the tractor's path that looks a little pale and bedraggled.

Today's lesson in the You Can Draw It In 30 Minutes eBook was a bell pepper. The hard part was the shading that's supposed to look shiny but I don't think mine does. I'm just glad it looks like a pepper. The Bonus Challenge was to draw two peppers as fast as you could and then place the light in a different place from the original one and draw the light and shadows from a different perspective. That was interesting.

Then I treated myself to the next page in 10-Step: Nature which was Hazel Catkins. I've never seen Hazel Catkins so I had no idea if what I was drawing was endemic to Great Britain or something that grows in the US but I managed to get it down on paper. It took quite a bit of time to get all of the little details in the catkins, first in pencil and then traced over with a fine liner before all of the pencil got erased and then the colored pencils could step in and do the finish work.

I've been slowly working on the Basic Brioche Beanie, adding a couple rounds a day, today I did five rounds. Whoo! I have to go slow because I don't know how to fix a mistake and have a vivid memory of getting six inches of hat knitted before a few years ago and then making a mistake and having to rip it all out.  I don't even want to think about it.

Oh, I do have something blue. I was going to try painting a nude but turned it into a mermaid and her tail is blue as is the water around her. I should have made a sketch first because I had no idea where I was going and ended up with this. Meh.


I'm eating a little bowl of blueberries as a snack. I've got to stop eating crap for snacks and get back to the straight and narrow since I've been lax as all get out and it shows at the scale. Don't want to have to buy new, bigger clothes.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

I agree that squirrel's feet do look peculiar. But maybe we've never looked closely before. At least the cardinal looks normal. We do love anything red! Especially on Fourth of July!