Friday, July 29, 2022


I got to the mid-point of the cotton washcloth I'm knitting tonight. Next I do three rows even and then start decreasing back to the corner. Cotton yarn isn't stretchy, it doesn't have any sproing so it's hard on my hands. It makes my fingers ache but knitting a washcloth takes a whole lot less concentration than knitting on my brioche hat takes so it's easier at Friday Night Knitting.

I did manage to add six rounds to the brioche hat at FNK though. I have 3 1/2 inches to go before the crown decreases. I was very impressed with myself even though I noticed a booboo when I was taking the picture. I'll take a look at it tomorrow. Maybe I can figure out how to fix it. Or maybe I'll just leave it and keep going. It's just a hat for me, I won't be entering it into the fair. In fact, I'm not entering anything in the fair this year. I don't really have anything worth entering so I'm going to skip it.

The orange day lilies are blooming. Not big numbers of them like on the side of the lot line but there are spots of orange along the top of the retaining wall.

Finally a Cardinal stayed on the platform feeder long enough for me to snap a couple pictures. Usually they zip in, hop around on the grass pecking for seeds, and then fly off, but not today.

The next figure in The 15-Minute Artist was the Human Eye. This may be my best eye yet.I drew it twice but this first one is better.

Then I dug into Drawing Cute to see what she called a Clam and a Narwhal. Clams don't grow pearls, oysters do. In the captions by the drawing steps she calls it an oyster but the heading says clam. I wonder if she thinks they're interchangeable.

Yesterday's Page-a-day calendar page was a pair of squirrels by Albrecht Durer. I liked the way it looked and thought maybe I could paint a squirrel. So I did. It didn't turn out too badly.

Today's toss was a box of old random crap left from my mother-in-law. How this little pile of stuff survived all of my clean outs I don't know but out it goes.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

You could enter some of your artwork at the Fair. But maybe there isn't a category for art. I looked real close at your hat and could not see a boo-boo.