Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Slow But Sure-ish

I've been busy the last few days so I haven't added a lot (just another inch) to my Brioche Hat but I took a picture and I'm putting it on here anyway. Any increase in length is a triumph. I even managed to pick up a dropped yarnover this evening. At least I think I did it right. Time will tell.

There haven't been a lot of birds at the feeders lately or I haven't noticed them but this female Cardinal showed up on the ground to peck at the fallen seeds and then it fluttered up to the top of the crook for just long enough for me to take its picture. Gotcha.


Today's daily art was a real challenge. It said to draw an object using the opposite hand from your regular drawing hand. Of course I had to make it even more challenging by trying to draw LC and OJ using their school pictures. Overall I think I did rather well.

I enjoyed drawing the next figure in The 15-Minute Artist, an origami crane. I liked shading it to make the folds and valleys stand out.


The next thing in 10-Step: Nature was a walnut. Well, three walnuts
plus some leaves. I was very surprised at the leaf colors, yellow green and sap green, I thought it'd be a darker green but I followed the picture in the book and did what I was told.

There's a little gnome figurine that sits on the dresser in the guest bedroom that has been nagging at me to try painting it so today I did. I didn't add the little shovel in his hand and his nose kind of blends into his face but I'm not unhappy with how it turned out.

The other day an unfamiliar squirrel came to the feeders and tried to climb all of the crooks and ended up riding the Slinkys. It didn't like it and gave up but it was very entertaining to watch. The white-footed squirrel is still around and I got to show it off to LC and OJ. They were fascinated. They like watching the birds even the regular old Sparrows and Mourning Doves, especially OJ. Durwood would be pleased. I haven't seen a Hummingbird in a while. I suspect that the lack of honeysuckle flowers is the reason. I don't know how to revive the honeysuckle vine and I forgot to ask the landscaper when they were here. Maybe I'll Google it.

Today's toss was a box of books that the grandkids are too grownup to read anymore. I'll take them down to the library to donate them for the book sale. Or maybe I'll drive around and put some in Little Free Libraries in the neighborhood.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

I can barely sign my name with my right hand. I can't imagine trying to draw anything with my left. You did really well. Met the challenge.