Friday, March 12, 2021

Sprouts & Birds

The bulbs out in front of the house are growing like mad.  It seems like they shoot up a couple inches a day.  There are small sprouts in the edge of the lawn too.  I can't wait until all the flowers bloom.

Mourning Doves came for a visit today.  This one sat on the birdbath sipping the water for a long time.  I love their mournful cooing when I'm waking up in the morning.

This Cardinal spent a few minutes eating seeds in the platform feeder.  I was in the middle of yoga but took a quick break to take his picture.

I finished knitting the cuff of the Fire Sock and plunged right into the leg.  I decided to let the colors of the yarn shine instead of knitting a pattern in the leg of the sock.  Knitting on this for three hours made my hands ache.  I can't decide if it's because I'm using metal needles or because I'm gripping them too tightly but I decided I'm not going back to the bamboo double pointed needles.  Working with those four needles is too much like wrestling a porcupine.  I'll probably switch to DPNs when I get to the heel because working the heel makes more sense to me that way.  Not logical, but there you are.

It was a cool but sunny day today and my legs didn't ache anymore so I was able to take a walk around the block.  I figure I was lucky to only have a little side effect from the vaccine shot.  I got invited to join a women's writing group on Zoom with a few of my Clearing writing friends and others, and I went the first time today.  It was great to see them, to meet new people, and to stretch my writing muscles.

Today's toss was a drawing book.  I tried to follow the one drawing a day format but it presupposes that you can draw.  I need more instruction than the book provides.  Dang it.

The prompt today asked how you persuade people to like you.  My answer was that I don't.  I'm not going to change to make someone like me.  It'd be too tiring to remember how I was supposed to act with that person.  I'm me and people can like me or not.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

How could anyone NOT like you?? No wonder you didn't follow that prompt. The cardinal and the Fire Sock are both the same color. So pretty.