Tuesday, March 9, 2021


I didn't get the best picture but when I was on my walk this afternoon a little hawk landed on the Wells Fargo sign so I fired up my phone camera and it took off.  But I got a blurry shot of it which is better than nothing.  I saw it a few more times but wasn't able to take its picture with my good camera.  I'm glad to see it.

The House Finches were at the feeder this afternoon too.  They didn't seem bothered by the hawk soaring around one street over.

I stopped at Zambaldi to visit DS and he gave me a taste of his new sour beer with blueberries and black currents in it.  It's purple!  But tasty.  I find I'm developing a taste for beer.  I never thought that would happen.

When I watered the Christmas cactus yesterday I saw that there's a bud swelling up.  I guess my Christmas cactus is also an Easter cactus.  We'll see if it matures into a flower or gets my hopes up and then shrivels away.

I had high hopes for the sunset tonight.  Clouds started rolling in bringing tomorrow's rain so I thought that the clouds would be colored but they really weren't, dang it.

Today's toss was a  pottery bowl.  It's blue which is my least favorite color, next to pink, so I've always wondered why I bought it.  Someone will love it.

The prompt today asked if you still live in your hometown.  If you do, why, and if you don't, why not?  I live in my hometown.  Not my original hometown but I've lived most of my life here because jobs were here and friends and family.  We planned to move when the kids left but Durwood got sick so we stayed for health care.  I like it here.  It's a good place to live.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

I love that night picture. Calling it "Noir in Green Bay." All the pictures today are great -- even the blurry hawk. Of course, the best one is you enjoying your newly discovered taste of beer!! Hometowns?? The other day I counted how many states I've lived in -- eight. But North Carolina and Florida twice. I have gotten around!!