Saturday, March 27, 2021

No Birds, No Squirrels

I wasn't able to take any bird or squirrel pictures today.  The birds that did show up only stayed for an instant and the squirrels nosed around in the grass and didn't climb up to the suet or even the birdbath.  So no birds, no squirrels tonight.  It was a bleak and drizzly day today, I don't blame the wildlife for staying home.

I got to go visit DS's family today.  Everyone was home so I got to see them all.  It was great.

In knitting news, I started working on the toe decreases of the Fire Sock.  It entertains me that I can shape the sock so neatly with just a couple stitches.  I thought I might finish the toe but I got interested in watching The Zoo on Animal Planet and found my hands resting in my lap holding the sock.  Not much gets done when your hands aren't moving.

But first I finished the March Preemie Hat that I began last night at Friday Night Knitting.  I love this little hat with its i-cord topknot.

Today's toss was the Reader's Digest Diet book.  I tried it but it requires a lot of specialized cooking, much different from the WW recipes which are more like regular food now.

The prompt today said you are a fish in the ocean.  How do you find food and safety?  That was an easy one for an old ocean lover like me.  I couldn't decide what kind of fish I'd be, probably a Stoplight Parrotfish, because they're so flamboyantly colored, so I'd munch coral, poop sand, and hide in the reef away from predators to sleep at night.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

That prompt was right up your alley. You could decide to be so many different kinds of fish and feel comfortable as them all. Love the sweet little preemie hat. Like a tiny cloud.