Thursday, March 25, 2021

Cactus Bloom!

I am happy to report that the Christmas/Easter cactus bud has bloomed.  I don't know what provokes one of the little nubbins to swell and blossom but I'm glad it does.  Maybe some day I'll figure out how to make more than one bloom at a time.

I finished the latest art assignment the other day and shared it with Lala so I can share it with you.  The name of the assignment was Psychological Landscape and I thought of how I've been chasing my writing mojo for the last... oh, at least a year.  So I tapped into my artistic side and did a little tracing and a little drawing to make this.  I thought of Chagall and Dali when I was putting it together, not that I have any claim to either of those artist's genius, but let's just say I was thinking of them.

This little chipmunk was diligently hoovering up spilled seed this morning.  It would fill its cheeks with seed and then scamper off to store it in its burrow, then be back for more.  I caught one of the squirrels that had leaped onto the platform feeder the other day and in jumping off spilled a bunch of seeds on the ground.  I don't know why the squirrel jumped over there, squirrels don't like safflower seeds, that's why I put them in that feeder.  At least  they're not supposed to like them.

Tonight was knitting guild Zoom social knitting and I was the host.  There were seven of us and we had a lively conversation about needles and nursing and rule breaking.  I knitting on the Fire Sock and got to the toe decreases so I'll have to get it set up before knitting tomorrow night so I won't have to think too much.  Or maybe I'll cast on a preemie hat just to make it simple.  Yeah, that's what I'll do.

Today's toss was The Joy of Cooking.  I've never liked it and seldom used it so out it goes.  I've used the Settlement Cookbook as my favorite basic cookbook for years.  Decades, even.

The prompt today asked which sense you'd be willing to lose.  Arrgh.  I talked through all five of them and decided that I'd lose smell.  Or maybe touch.  No, smell.  But then taste would go too.  I can't settle on one.  I can't do it.  Each one is too precious.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Your art assignment is definitely worth sharing -- or framing. Another previously hidden talent. I still have -- and use -- my Joy of Cooking cookbook that Delaphine Shelton gave me sixty-six years ago. Someone is going to be thrilled to find your copy at Goodwill.