Tuesday, March 16, 2021

A Snowy Day

Well, it did more than flurry overnight.  We got about 2 inches of wet, heavy snow.  It got just above freezing this afternoon so at least half of the snow is already gone.  I didn't go out and shovel because it's supposed to be close to 40 tomorrow and in the 50s by the weekend.  We can't really complain.  After all, it is Wisconsin and only the middle of March.  Three years ago we got about 2 feet of snow in mid-April so these couple inches are no big deal.  I'll be glad when the streets are dry again so I can go back to walking around the block.

The Christmas/Easter cactus bud is hanging on and growing bigger.  I hope it keeps it up.

I sat down and paid attention and knitted the heel flap and turned the heel of the Fire Sock.  I had to knit it onto DPNs for the picking up gusset stitches part and then knitted it back onto the circular needle to keep going.  I amused myself that I needed those old DPNs for a single round.  Maybe next time I'll figure out how to do it with the circ. or get someone to show me.  Maybe there's a YouTube...

Then I was tired of small needle knitting so I started another cast sock with some old scratchy yarn that was buried in the bottom of a bag of yarn.  It's too rough for a baby hat but it'll be okay for someone's toes, i think.

Today's toss was a book of essays I read a couple times and don't need to read again.

The prompt today was to make up song lyrics in a musical style you hate.  !!!  I don't know how to write a rap song so I made up a country song.  It's pretty terrible but I filled the page.

Today was signup day for Life Members of The Clearing.  I hit redial 492 times (my phone counts it up) before getting in (it took an hour and forty minutes) only to discover that the class I want was full so I'm number one on the waiting list.  I signed my friend up for an Independent Study at the same time.  Of course, this is dependent on whether the classes are held at all but since it's the last week in September I figure we've got a shot.  Fingers crossed.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

There is such a thing as an Easter Cactus. The blossoms are purple and look like a starburst. Very pretty -- but she paid $25 for it!!! I'll settle for your Christmas/Easter version.