Tuesday, March 30, 2021

A New Day

I'm practicing getting up early this week because I have to be someplace at 8 o'clock on Thursday morning so I saw the sun coming up today for the first time in I can't remember when.  I usually get to bed around eleven and wake up around eight so things have to change this week.  I love being retired.

I was lucky enough to glance at the feeder this morning to see this male Cardinal all bright red in the sunshine.  It was a gorgeous warm day but windy.  It's been windy lately and I don't know why.  I'm sure the weather guys have some reason that it's been windy but I haven't watched the weather reports.    I missed the news tonight too.

And the reason I missed the news is that tonight was the knitting guild Zoom social knitting at 6 o'clock.  I worked on another preemie hat and knitted up to the crown decreases.  I'll finish it up tomorrow and probably start another one.


I visited DS at the brewery today and he was kegging off the blueberry and black current beer I got to taste a couple weeks ago.  It's the most amazing cranberry color.  Today I got to taste the Locals Only beer he's brewing for the local breweries to share, this year it's his turn.  It's a pale beer flavored with lime and coconut.  Pretty tasty.

Today's toss was a trio of WW pamphlet cookbooks.  I paged through and only found one recipe that I wanted to keep out of the four so three of them went into the bag.

The prompt today said that you're living in a post-apocalyptic world.  How do you fare?  I figure I'd do alright since I know how to knit and sew, how to garden and cook, and how to build a fire.  I've been camping a bunch so I'm pretty good at that too.  I decided that I'd do okay.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

I think you would be queen of the post apocalyptic world. I'd definitely want to move in with you. Nice picture of the cardinal in the sunshine. Love those bright red feathers.