Saturday, March 20, 2021

It's Spring!

At least, I think it is.  Or maybe it's tomorrow.  Whatever, we had a gorgeous day.  It was sunny and 57 degrees, great for a walk.  I wore a little knitted fleece vest and was just right.  You're right, Aunt B, 57 is warm for us up here in the frozen tundra.  This little purple striped crocus opened today.

And the tiny squills are opening in the lawn.  Well, it should be lawn but it got shaded out by the big shrub that overshadows this part.  Each flower is about the size of my pinkie nail and is white with a faint blue stripe.

Mr. Cardinal came to the feeder more than once this morning.  He visited the birdbath too but I wasn't fast enough to get a picture of him there.  This is good but that would have been better.


After my walk I worked on the Fire Sock.  I'm through the heel and gusset and into the foot.  Now I knit around and around and around until the bottom of the foot is seven inches from the heel cup before I start the toe.

I forgot to toss something today.  *sigh*  You'd think I'd remember since I've been doing it every day for so long.  Maybe I'll count the bag of trash I collected in the yard again today.

The prompt today said that you're watching a B movie in which sea creatures evolved to rule the world but the film breaks when there's 5 minutes left.  Write the last scene.  In my movie, an octopus is the ruler and is menacing the heroine with his slimy tentacle when the hero comes in, chops off the tentacle, and tips burning oil onto the octopus.  Lame but it was a B movie, after all.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

I love those sweet little harbingers of Spring. Tiny flowers seem just right for the month of March. I miss that down here where a 57 degree day seems like winter!