Tuesday, March 2, 2021


I caught the squirrel poised to hang upside down on the suet pellets.  It's making short work of the pellets and I'm afraid that I don't have enough left to fill the feeder one more time.  Maybe I'll leave it empty for a while until I feel ready to visit the birdseed store again.  I sure haven't gone through seed, etc. this winter like I have in the past.  I'd sure like to know where the birds have gone.

The House Finches haven't abandoned me.  A few pairs of them come every day to the platform feeder to pick through the seeds for breakfast.  This male flew down to investigate all the seeds uncovered as the snow melts.

In the afternoon I finished the March Preemie Hat #1.  It didn't take too long but I'm a slow knitter so even a little hat like this takes me a few hours.

I spent most of the day reading a book.  Not a book book, but an ebook on my Kindle.  It's a story about a scuba diving detective in Florida.  I like reading about warm places when I'm cold.

Today's toss was a light bulb with a flamingo in the center.  I remember being so excited when I bought it and then I never found the right place to put it.

The prompt today was to write a speech in favor of green energy.  Solar power and wind farms are good, greenhouse gases are bad--you get the drift.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Randy White is a SW Florida author who writes about crime solver "Doc Ford." Maybe that's who you're reading about. We should check out his restaurant when you're here next time.