Wednesday, March 3, 2021

A Flash of Red

I was reading the newspaper this morning when out of the corner of my eye I saw a flash of red.  There was a Cardinal on the platform feeder.  It didn't stay long so I was lucky to get this quick photo.  He's redder than a winter bird which means that spring is on the way.  Hooray!


I visited DS this morning at Zambaldi where he was awaiting a grain delivery.  It was supposed to be delivered yesterday but didn't get there until almost noon today.  That put him hours behind on his brew day.  I never appreciated the scope of the ingredients for a batch of beer.  See all the yellow bags?  Half of them are for today's brew and the other half are for a brew next week. In exciting news, DS has an appointment for a first vaccine shot tomorrow!  They're considered essential food workers and he found an appointment time at Walgreen's in Marinette so he'll have a little drive tomorrow and get a shot.  I'm so glad.

After my walk this afternoon I sat down and started a cast sock.  I finished it after supper.  I dug around in a bag of yarn that I put aside a year ago to use for teaching new knitters but since we can't meet in person that's on hold so I pulled out the variegated yarn to use for cast socks and preemie hats.  I needed something new to knit with and remembered the bag o'yarn.

It's funny how Zoom has become a normal way to meet with friends.  The other evening we had a knitting guild social knitting session and had a good turnout.  It's so much fun.   People bring problems, knitting problems that is, for discussion and show off things that they've finished.  I'll be glad when we can get together in person again but I think I'll miss Zoom.


Today's toss was a metal tray with the London Tube map on it.  It's been in my closet since I brought it home from London thirty years ago.  It's time has come.

Today's prompt was: a stranger asks what you do, how do you answer?  That was an easy one.  I'm retired, I do what I want to do when I want to do it.  And I do nothing when I want to do that too.  That was my yesterday.  A do-nothing day.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

That's an impressive pile of stuff there at Zambaldi's. Good for him about getting the vaccine. We are still waiting our turn down here. So frustrating.