Wednesday, March 24, 2021


One of the squirrels has gotten him or her self reacquainted with the suet pellets.  It's a real love affair between squirrel and food.  He (or she) spent most of the afternoon dangling from his (or her) hind feet nibbling away at the suet pellets.  I need to go to the birdseed store for more pellets since the Starlings discovered them yesterday too.

Once again the Starling and the Sparrow bathed together.  Maybe they're pals.  I don't think it's an awkward romance since the Sparrow is half the size of the Starling and is a male.  I think the Starling is a male too.  I think.  They're one of those hard to tell the difference birds.

We had a gray and drizzly day today.  It wasn't very chilly but it wasn't sunny either.

I spent the afternoon finishing the cast sock.  I love the colors of the yarn but it sure doesn't feel nice.  I'm going to put it in to soak tomorrow hoping that a bath will help it feel softer.  I need to find some nicer yarn to knit a preemie hat out of.  This stuff is just too scratchy.

Today's toss was another old WW cookbook.  I haven't made any of the recipes in it in years.

The prompt today asked what superpower you'd like to have.  I said flying.  I love flying in airplanes so I think that I'd like just plain flying.  I could go to KY to see DD and her family and fly to see friends and other relatives.  It'd be fun.  So much better than x-ray vision.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Flying would be my choice too -- but only in good weather. But maybe Wonder Woman. Sometimes I feel like her when I strap on my wristwatch every morning. Remember her bullet-proof bracelets? I've never seen the modern version and I hope she still has those.