Wednesday, March 31, 2021


The first daffodil opened today.  I can peek out my bedroom window and see if anything has bloomed and here's what I saw today.  This is one of the bulbs that I planted 42 years ago when we first built this duplex and I was pregnant with DS.

The hyacinths are starting to open but they're not as old as the daffodils.  The hyacinths are about 20 years old.  I froze when I went out to take these pictures.  It was only in the 30s today.  Yesterday I walked to the bank in jeans and a cotton sweater.  Today I ran errands in my winter coat, zipped up, and wool mittens.  It's supposed to be 40 tomorrow and into the low 60s by the weekend.  I wish that the weather would pick a season and stick with it.

I finished the third March Preemie hat this afternoon.  I like this yarn, it's soft and squishy.  It'll feel nice on some baby's head.

Today's toss was a shoebox of old pillowcases that don't fit any of the pillows I have.

The prompt today was to write a comedy routine on the theme of death.  No.  Just no.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Yay for daffodils!! Nice way to start our mornings -- you peeking out your window and me turning on my computer. Your way is best but I'll take your photos any time. That little preemie hat looks soft and cozy. Nice was for a baby to start life.