Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Bird Bath

Today was bath day in the birdbath.  A flock of eight Sparrows started it out, splashing and flapping like mad.  A Mourning Dove landed in the bath and very delicately dipped her breast into the water and wriggled her tail.  A group of four Starlings were taking turns at the suet pellets when one of them evidently felt dirty and flew down for a bath with the last Sparrow in the pool.

I didn't get a picture because he moved so fast but I saw a Goldfinch that has started to change from his drab winter avocado plumage to his bright yellow gold of summer plumage.

The hyacinths closest to the front porch have started blooming.  It must be time to dig up the bulbs and separate them because the flowers are a little thin on the stalks.

The crocuses are still showing off.  I love the waxy golden yellow of them.

And the squills are blooming more every day.  I want to lie down on the dirt and put my face right up to them to see them better but I don't want to give the neighbors anything to talk about.

This afternoon after I wrote a bit (just prompts, no novel scenes, dang it) I started another cast sock.  This pattern is the perfect no-brainer knitting, just knit 2, purl 2 around and around until it gets to four inches whereupon a bit of decreasing happens to close the toe.

Today's toss was an old WW cookbook.  I paged through it and it's the program I started with ages ago and the method of cooking and counting has changed dramatically.

The prompt today asked what your favorite personality trait is.  Kindness, it's kindness.  I try to be kind and appreciate kindness in others.

Rain rolled in this evening and is supposed to hang around all day tomorrow.  I guess it's better than snow.  This afternoon I decided to paint my nails.  I don't know why and I'm terrible at it.  I think seven-year-old LC is better at it than I am.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

The hyacinths may be thin but those beautiful yellow crocuses are robust. All the Spring flowers are so pretty. And I bet your fingernails are pretty too. Springtime all around!!!