Monday, March 15, 2021

Sock It To Me

I didn't spend much time looking out, checking for birds or squirrels, and I forgot to go out and fill the peanut wreath, etc. so I didn't see any wildlife, or not long enough to take a picture.

I folded a basket of laundry (ooh, exciting!) but spent most of the day writing.  I wrote the prompt in the book that Lala gave me at Christmas, and the art prompt from the Page-a-Day Gallery calendar, then I spent some time working on another scene for Better Than Mom's.  I think I'm at a point where I have to reread the manuscript because I'm having trouble finding ideas.  Maybe a read-through will help jog the old brain cells.

It's time to knit the heel flap on the Fire Sock.  My theory that the metal needles made my hands hurt proved true.  Once I knitted the sock onto the wood circular needle my hands haven't hurt.  Since I'm not knitting on DPNs which is what the pattern is written for I've got some figuring to do to make it work but I'll manage.  How hard can it be?


Today's toss was a pair of drawing books.  I bought them at the library book sale but one is too complicated and the other one is just a series of pictures.  Neither one gave me the step by step instructions I need to make a drawing.

The prompt was that a friend commits a terrible crime and confides in you.  Do you keep the secret or tell?  A terrible crime?  Of course I'd tell.  Besides I"m bad at keeping secrets so I'm sure I'd blab.  If it was a good friend they wouldn't tell me anyway since everyone knows I'm a blabbermouth.

I just looked outside and little tiny snows are falling.  The street is wet and the grass is turning white.  *sigh*  Last week's warm weather was a cruel trick.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Why do Spring and Winter play such cruel tricks at this time of every year? Springtime one day and snow the next. And why do we get fooled every time? Those little yellow crocuses and the green sprouts are in cahoots with Mother Nature to trick us.