Saturday, March 6, 2021

An Expensive Walk

It was a gorgeous day today so I went for a walk after lunch.  I decided to extend my route so I was tired by the time I got home.  I put my hand in my pocket and, uh oh, no key.  I tried the knob. Yep, locked.  So I texted the renter who has my spare garage door opener to let me in.  Oops, dead battery.  So I had to call a locksmith.  I was on hold for about 10 minutes and then was assured by a nice lady that the guy would be here in 25 minutes.  As soon as I hung up the phone rang and it was the locksmith who said he'd be here in 10 minutes and he was.  It took him less than 5 minutes to open the door, then came time to pay.  $93.50  I knew it'd be that because the lady told me and I had no alternative.  You'd better bet I'll be double checking that I have my key before I go for a walk next time.  I highly recommend Pop-a-Lock.

I did laundry today and while the clothes were swishing and tumbling around I got out the Alphasmart again and wrote another couple pages.  I don't know where I'm going with this, but that's okay, I'm enjoying the writing.

Sundown tonight wasn't an explosion of color but I'm showing you this because it was taken at 6:15pm.  Proof that the days are getting longer and the light is coming back.  Hooray!

After supper I knitted on March Cast Sock #3.  I challenged myself to complete a round during commercial breaks.  I almost made it a couple times, but as I've said I'm a slow knitter, so the ads would end before I'd made it around again.  Oh well, I made some progress at any rate.

Today's toss was a workout shirt that's way too big.  One of these days I should try all my workout clothes on and cull but since I won't be going to the Y for a while, maybe in the fall or next winter, it isn't something I need to hurry to do.

The prompt today was a hard one.  You're in the desert with no food or water.  What happens to you?  My first thought was that I'd die, but then I dredged up some smarts and made something up.  I don't know if I survived but at least I tried to.  

The other expensive part of the day was due to a message I got from my cable/internet provider.  It seems I'd neglected to pay them in February and the March bill was due too.  I went through my emails because I had paperless billing.  I even checked my Junk file.  Well, I didn't find a bill for Feb or March but I went online and paid, and changed back to getting my bill in the mail.  I think they screwed up.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Oh no!! Hate it that you had to shell out to get back into your own house. And the mix up with your cable bill. On-line banking can be so convenient but sometimes the old ways seem better.