Thursday, March 11, 2021

No Ice Left

After I worked all afternoon with the spade clearing a path from the door to the birdbath the other day, the warm temps melted all the ice and compacted snow anyway.  I could have saved my labor.  Oh well, it was probably good for me.


I went out the front door to check on the hyacinth sprouts and look!  There's flower buds a-coming.


Then I looked down and saw a clump of yellow gold.  Crocuses!  I have crocuses blooming.  Amazing.  Now it'll probably snow or freezing rain and bury the sweet little things.

I finished the WW egg drop soup for lunch today so, since we all know soup is better the next day, I whipped up a cauldron of WW chicken noodle soup.  It's boiling because I was cooking the pasta which took extra long because the recipe made me pour a bag of frozen mixed veggies into the pot at the same time as the pasta and stop the boil.  I should know better.

I tried to take a walk this afternoon but my legs are achy from the COVID shot so I only went halfway around.  I thought a walk would stretch out the aches.  It didn't.  Then I sat down and finished March Cast Sock #4.  I like the colors of this yarn, I hope someone in a cast does too.

Then I was out of knitting again so I went downstairs and dug out another skein of sock yarn and cast on another sock.  I'm not using the same pattern I used for the last two socks, I'm just going to knit the cuff and then knit the leg plain.  Less thinking that way.  I REALLY like the colors of this yarn.

Today's toss was a pair of clear glass bowls I bought to use for dog bowls when I used to bring DS's dog over to visit Durwood.  He really liked dogs.

The prompt today said to write the opening scene of a movie about the Earth being uninhabitable.  Picture a teenage girl suffering oxygen deprivation because she's too cool to wear a mask.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

I made soup yesterday too. "Dump and Bake Chicken and Dumplings" -- easy one. Cut-up biscuits became dumplings. If snow covers those crocus blooms, I'm going to be mad! So pretty. Love the colors of both your latest knitting projects.