Thursday, March 18, 2021

A Birdie With A Yellow Bill

A robin hopped onto the birdbath this afternoon and sat there looking around and getting all windblown.  It was sunny but really windy and chilly today so I didn't walk.  I have hopes for tomorrow.

I went to Zambaldi to visit DS.  He was making a batch of Good Dog Porter so it smelled good and roasty in the brewery like a bakery with notes of chocolate.  Very nice.  I didn't try to take a picture of the mash because I was afraid I'd drop my phone into the mash tun and because it was so steamy.

Then I went to the grocery at Meijer (big box store) and treated myself to another pair of jeans because I'm loving wearing my smaller jeans and I'm having to launder the daylights out of them so I decided I needed a third pair.  I wore my original jeans until I'd lost almost 50 lbs. so I think these'll fit for a while.  Besides, I wanted them.

Tonight was the Bay Lakes Knitting Guild meeting and the program was the second half of knitting socks two at a time.  I didn't play along so I sat and finished my latest cast sock.  This yarn is a little thicker than usual so the sock turned out a bit bigger which is okay since feet come in all sizes.

Today's toss was an old ring I bought at an estate sale thinking it might be an amethyst but it's just lilac glass.  It never fit me anyway.

Speaking of rings I had to take off my wedding ring.  It's gotten too big and it came off in the dishwater the other day.  That scared me into thinking I might lose it so I put it on the chain with Durwood's and I'll wear them both around my neck until I feel ready to either put them away or have mine sized.

The prompt today asked me to write an advertisement for a glue stick.  Let's see... dries clear, non-toxic, safe for kids.  What more is there to say?  Oh yeah, vegan. Silly.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

I can hardly believe you've lost nearly fifty pounds! You're going to disappear before our eyes. You could be the poster girl for investment cooking. Love the brave little wind blown robin. Windy down here too. Kept Paul off the golf course!