Monday, March 1, 2021

Monday Birds

It was sunny today, windy and cold, not warm like it has been the last few days.  It's supposed to warm up to near 40 degrees tomorrow and the next few days but I think the wind will stick around and make it feel colder.  Maybe I'll manage to get in a walk tomorrow, if I don't blow away.

A small flock of Mourning Doves was picking through the fallen safflower seeds today.  I'm amazed at how camouflaged they are.  Their gray feathers seem to blend into the background.  It's also amazing to see how the snow is disappearing.  If it keeps being in the high 30s and 40s we're not going to have any snow left.

The male Downy Woodpecker visited the suet cakes too.  He had a fine time pecking away at what has to be a frozen solid block of seeds and fat.

I made Easy Egg Drop Soup this afternoon.  This is one of those soup recipes that's never the same twice.  This time I added chopped cremini mushrooms, diced chicken, and snow peas to the basic recipe.  Looks good, smells good, and I'll bet that tomorrow it'll taste good too.


We had Guild social knitting on Zoom tonight so I cast on a preemie hat and knitted around and around on it.  We had a nice turnout again.

Today's toss was a ceramic sheep that was lurking on the shelf in my closet.  I bought it at Goodwill and now it'll go back for someone else to buy and enjoy.

The prompt today was to do a character outline of someone from a novel you want to write so I reached back and outlined Rose from The Seaview.  Doing a character outline is always good writing practice.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Your soup looks and sounds delicious. Hope you have a big bowl after a brisk walk around the block today. I'll be heading to the library to pick up "A Gentleman in Moscow." Supposed to be a good one.