Friday, March 19, 2021

Spring's Coming

 I went out to pick up all of the litter blown into the yard by yesterday's wind and found this purple crocus crouched under the leaves in the front of the house.

Another clump of golden crocuses bloomed under the snow.  It amazes me that those little flowers don't pack it in when the snow covers them but wait until the snow melts and go right on blooming.

After I picked up the litter I filled the birdfeeders and the peanut wreath.  It didn't take long for all of the squirrels to find the peanuts and take turns climbing up for a nut.  I tried to figure out how many different squirrels there were and I think there were three.  Or maybe four.

The Downy Woodpecker came to the suet cakes.  It has to be so much easier to peck at the cakes now that it isn't below freezing in the daytime.  It still gets down below 32 degrees at night but it got up to 50 degrees today.  I took a walk.

It's kind of blurry but I was happy to see the daylily sprouts in the bed behind the house. There's still a little snow back there but now there's green too.  The mint in the garden is sprouting under the leaves too.

Today's toss was a bag of severely freezer burned whole tomatoes that I had every intention of making tomato sauce with but they're ruined.

The prompt today was to think about someone who makes you feel good.  What about their personality makes you feel that way?  I thought of my granddaughter and how good it makes me feel when she talks about missing having Meemaw days.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

I just now checked our temperature and it's 57 degrees!! Brrrr (for us that is)!!! I know that would be warm for you. So nice to see all those signs of Spring.