Thursday, March 4, 2021

Black & White

Today was another quiet day, too cold and windy for a walk.  The mailman brought me a copy of my friend Sharon Nesbit-Davis' book, Intended.  I cracked it open meaning to read just a little but lost track of time.  I'm almost done.  The book is a memoir.  The cool thing is that she wrote a lot of the stories over the years of Clearing workshops we were in together so some of it is familiar.  I thought I'd pre-ordered a copy but evidently I didn't finish the transaction so I had to get one from Amazon.  If we get to go to The Clearing at the end of September I'll take it along to get it signed.

I was too busy reading to  keep an eye on the feeders so all I've got is a quick back-view shot of this squirrel that just took a drink and was turning around on its way to the suet cake.


To give my eyes a rest I started another cast sock and just happened to grab black and white (and gray) yarn.  This is another skein that I'd put in the bag of yarn for beginning knitters last year.

Today's toss was the London guidebook I took on my trip to see DD while she was studying in England about twenty years ago.  It seems incredible that so much time has passed.

I neglected to write the prompt today.  I was too busy reading.  


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

That's exciting to be able to read a book written by a friend of yours. No wonder you got lost in it. So I forgive you for only one picture. Still..... it's a cute one of that squirrel.