Sunday, March 3, 2024

Olive & Nut Spread Recipe

Good morning! I've had several requests for the Olive & Nut Spread recipe and I don't have all of the contact info so I'm just going to put it on here in its very own blog post so that people can copy it and have their own little jars of temptation in their fridges.



OLIVE & NUT SPREAD  from Lyle Edelblute

2 cups chopped salad olives

1 cup chopped pecans, lightly roasted

12 oz. cream cheese, softened

1 cup mayonnaise

4 Tablespoons olive brine

(no salt)

pepper to taste


Blend cream cheese with fork, fold in mayonnaise. (I use the fork for all additions. It lets me squash any lumps of cream cheese as I combine it.Add olive brine and pepper.  Stir in olives and nuts.

It will come out goopy, but put it in two empty 1 pint jars and let set at least 24 hours in the fridge.  (48 hours is better)

P.S. I made a half-batch so I don't have too much for a one-night, four-person get together. I'd only eat all the rest and make myself sick.

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