Friday, March 29, 2024


 I forgot to draw a Gratitude Journal page yesterday so I opened the book this morning to do it, and discovered that I forgot to draw one for the day before too. It's difficult to go back two days to remember what you're grateful for. Heck, I can barely remember what I did yesterday much less the day before. Good thing I have a Bullet Journal where I write down what I do and how I feel about things on a daily basis. I spent most of today either on Zoom with friends or listening to the Better Than Mom's audiobook and making notes on what needs to be fixed so today's journal page was a bit of a challenge.

This morning I got out my watercolors, etc. and started watching Kristy Rice's YouTube video for beginners again. This time I made the charts that she said to make and practiced the techniques on the video. Of course it was only after I finished the charts that my new paintbrushes and watercolor paper came from Amazon. I'll try out the brushes tomorrow, the paper too.

Once again the Downy Woodpecker landed on the back side of the suet pellets feeder. I almost didn't take his picture but then I realized if I didn't I wouldn't have a bird picture to put on here tonight since I had an afternoon Zoom and wanted to listen to the audiobook more so I needed to grab the opportunity. So here's a picture of his head and tail. It's better than nothing.

Like I said, I mostly listened to the audiobook today. And painted. I thought about going to the grocery but then I realized that Sunday is Easter and figured that the place would be jammed with people buying food for their holiday meal. I can wait until Monday when my bananas run out and the store won't be as busy.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I love a bullet list. I call mine the "To Do" list even though I don't always do the items on it. There's always tomorrow.