Monday, December 13, 2021

O Christmas Tree

O Tannenbaum. I had some help this afternoon and got the Christmas tree decorated as much as it's going to be decorated this year. One of the helpers brought along an ornament that he made out of Legos. It's a reindeer!

I wasn't in the mood to do much today. I didn't see many birds, I skipped yog-ing, didn't knit, and didn't get around to writing. I'll do stuff tomorrow.

I did take the time to do the next drawing lesson--Wedding Cake. This was not my finest hour. It looks okay but it's nowhere near as good as it should be.

I did a better job on the Bonus Challenge, which was a cake with a slice out of it.I had an easier time drawing that.

One thing I did this evening was stir up and bake a batch of Party Mix. I shouldn't have made it because now I'll just eat it and I'm having a terrible time resisting crunchy things lately. I could eat all the pretzels and chocolates these days.



Today's toss was a stuffed bear wearing a Santa hat. I don't have anyplace to put it. Someone will love it.

I didn't do the prompt today either.

I don't know why I was in a slump today but I was. I paid the tax bill and answered some emails and the rest of the day I just mooched around. Just one of those days, I guess. And it was even sunny too.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Paid the taxes? That's enough to put anyone in a slump. Love the Lego reindeer. Clever boy!