Monday, July 19, 2021


Today's blog entry is brought to you by the color red.  Red lilies...

... and a red Cardinal.  The bird tolerated a House Finch (which has a pinkish-red face and breast) for a minute and then turned and lunged at it to shoo it away.

The echinacea or Purple Coneflower is a shade of red too.  Red violet, I think, fading to pink.


In the not-red department is this Chickadee that held still long enough to have its picture taken.  Of course I had only one chance and it's a bit out of focus but I'm happy to have snapped it at all.  Usually I get it lined up and just as I'm going to depress the shutter the danged bird flies away.

Today's toss was a trio of writing books.  I found them in a rattan trunk in the basement.  One of them is dated 2007 and I figured if I haven't looked at them in 14 years I don't need them.  I wonder what else is in that trunk.  I'll dig deeper tomorrow.

The prompt today asked what would be on your tombstone.  Since I plan to be cremated I won't have one but I thought about it and decided I'd like "Tell me a story" on my tombstone, if I had one.  I love listening to stories.  Hearing about people's trips and dives was my favorite part of my job at the dive shop.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

I love stories too -- especially your stories! The story of your backyard starts my day every morning. But I'm not going to think about tombstones right now -- yours or mine!!