Wednesday, May 5, 2021


 It was a sunny afternoon so I took my little gardening bench and clippers out to clear last year's growth from around the blueberry bushes.  One of them is sprouting leaves and even has a few buds on the ends of the branches.  The other two are just sitting there with their naked branches hanging out.  Time to stir up some blueberry fertilizer.

When I carried my bin of weedings back to the corner of the yard to dump it I saw that the lilac bush has some buds on it that are thinking about opening soon.  There are a bunch of flowers that have died, must have come out too early and been frozen, but there are a few getting ready to burst open.

If I had lightning reflexes I'd have a Goldfinch picture to show you.  One landed on the feeder and stayed barely a second or two before flying off.  Drat.

We had Zoom social knitting tonight and I worked on May Preemie Hat #1 getting up to the crown decreases.  I knitted the body an inch longer because I thought they were looking too short.  This is better.

Today's toss was another big shirt.

The prompt today asked if you'd rather it be extremely hot or extremely cold.  I picked cold because I figure I can keep piling on clothing and blankets to stay warm but once you take off everything and it's hot, you're still hot.  That's my theory anyway.

I spent a couple hours rereading Better Than Mom's looking for places to add scenes.  So far I have a couple notes but hope for more as I get farther into the manuscript.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Lilacs!! Definitely something to look forward to. That smell. Hope they all burst into bloom for you. I'll be content with sniffing my gardenias down here.