Friday, May 28, 2021

A Little Better

The weather today was a little better.  It was sunny for most of the day, in the low 50s with a sharp wind out of the northwest.  Hopefully the wind will die down and it'll stay nice for the holiday weekend.  Can you believe that it's Memorial Day already?

The House Finches are the most reliable bird visitors these days.  Again I saw a Hummingbird fly away from the feeder.  I thought that I'd be able to see them better with this feeder but maybe not.  Maybe I'll switch back to the old feeder next time.  Way to confuse the birds, Barbara.

I finished May Toe Cap 3 tonight at Friday Night Knitting with about 14" of yarn left.  Whew.  I only made it 3" tall before starting the decreases and cut down on the number of rounds before finishing it off.  It'll probably be just right for a little kid's foot in a cast.  Or maybe it'll be a preemie hat.  They're kind of interchangeable.

Today's toss was another shirt that no longer fits.

The prompt today asked what you think "special" means.  I think it means out of the ordinary.  Could be good, could be bad, you just never know.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

The word "special" is kind of like "interesting" -- a comment you can make in response to someone's telling about an incident that you really don't care about. It's not "good" or "bad" -- just different. My MIL's favorite was "how about that?"