Saturday, October 29, 2022

What Day Is It?

 I spent all day wondering what day it was. My pill keeper reminded me this morning that it was Saturday and every time I sat down here at the laptop the calendar told me that it was Saturday or Sunday so I kept being confused. I'm confident now, it's definitely Saturday for at least a few more hours.

I kept this last flower picture for today. It's that late-blooming Black-eyed Susan that got cut down yesterday when the landscapers did the fall cleanup.

This afternoon I blew, tarp-ed, and curbed the rest of the leaves from the side of the house. It took me five tarp-loads to get them all to the curb. I will confess that my yard is not leaf free, not by any stretch of the imagination, but the side yard is no longer paved with a thick carpet of leaves. I like that tree in the summer when the shade moves over the backyard when I go out to mow but I dislike that tree intensely when it drops its zillions of leaves on the grass in my yard. I am so tempted to just blow them back onto the neighbors' yard since it's their tree but that would be the ultimate of meanness, wouldn't it.

My sole tree, the little Pacific Sunset maple tree in the front yard has a few leaves changing color but most of its leaves are still green. I don't know why but I am thrilled that when it does drop its leaves they'll fall right at the curb where they belong.


The next page in Sketching said to draw your fears so I drew a stairs without a handrail and big teeth on two of the steps to trip up unwary feet. Then I drew a happy tooth getting cleaned and brushed because I sort of dread going to the dentist to have my teeth cleaned. After that I drew my water bottle just because.


I pulled out Sea Creatures and found a starfish and humpback whale to draw. I think they turned out okay. Coloring the whale was fun but I was surprised at how blue the example was.


After supper I watched Maine Cabin Masters on TV and finished up the Ara Cashmere Cap 3. The orange and green yarn ran out just after I started the crown decreases so it looks a little odd but it can't be helped. The brown doesn't look too bad.


I sat here staring at a blank Word screen for the longest time this morning. I couldn't think of a thing to write that would fit in with Better Than Mom's so I just typed, rambled, blathered out a couple pages. This is the first time that I've been more nervous than excited about NaNoWriMo starting next Tuesday. Usually I can't wait to see what happens when I sit here and just write but this is the first time that I have something in mind to write so I worry that what I want to write won't come. And next Tuesday evening is the writing group meeting I'm going to to see if it's what I want. More nervous making. But Tuesday will come galloping up and I'll sit here and type something and go to the meeting and it'll all be fine. Or not.


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