Sunday, October 9, 2022

Mostly Knitting

That was my day, mostly knitting. I knitted in the morning while I watched CBS Sunday Morning (slow news for old people, according to DIL1!) and finished the ribbing and got into the body of the cap. I love the colors even though I'm not much of a blue fan.


Then tonight I went to knit with friends and knitted past the middle of the Guacamole Washcloth. It's all downhill from here. You decrease one stitch on every row and it doesn't take long to get back down to three stitches which is where you start.


I only drew one picture today. It's a cuckoo. I don't know how they're supposed to look so I'm middling pleased with how this turned out. It looks pretty much like the example.


When I came home from knitting just now the moon was big and bright in the sky so I took this picture with my phone. I have absolutely no idea why it made that glare but I think it looks kind of interesting. You can see that the leaves are turning too. The bad news is that I could see my breath outside. Brr.


I spent most of the middle of the day reading Better Than Mom's, copying my 2020 NaNoWriMo writing into a single document so I can see if there's anything worth continuing there or if it sparks an idea, and then writing a short scene of about 675 words for BTM's. Hey, I'm happy to be writing again and will take what words I can get down.


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