Friday, October 21, 2022

Not One Word

For the first time in over a week I didn't write one word today because I spent the day in the car driving to and from Waukesha for a Redbird Writers picnic. The weather couldn't have been nicer for a long drive (or two) and a couple hours with a bunch of women writers. I had a small box of copies of The Seaview and came home with an empty box. Blew me away!

I almost didn't draw either but I had a little time between supper and Friday Night Knitting so I pulled out my sketchbook and Sketching to draw these three cups of coffee. I'm liking this book because it pushes me to draw everyday things with a new, cartoon-y eye.

Before I left for my long day of driving I cast on and knitted a few ribbing rounds on Ara Cashmere Cap 2 so I had some no-need-to-think knitting to do at Friday Night Knitting. It was a good thing because I'm not used to all that driving and I'm pretty tired. Thank heavens it was a nice, sunny day without a lot of wind and I have to say that even the Milwaukee traffic with all of the construction wasn't too bad.

The daily art page asked how I can add creativity to my day. I came to the conclusion that I can't because I already write, draw, knit, and sometimes paint in a day. That takes up most of the day so I'm full up with creativity.

I have to thank DD for urging me to get a car charger for my phone a while back. I didn't think to check the battery level of my phone when I got in the car to come home and I ran the battery down dead. So I pulled over, plugged it in, and was back in business. What did people do on long solo car trips before audiobooks? Listen to the radio, I guess.

I didn't toss anything today. I wasn't home much.


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