Sunday, October 16, 2022


Whew! I got through Horizon yesterday morning and last night, fixed the chapter mix-up, and got it back up and available. It's available on Kindle now and is "in review" in paperback. It'll take a day or so for it to be back but I'm so relieved that Aunt B called me on Friday and I was able to find out how to correct the mistake, mine or theirs I'm not sure, but it's fixed now.

I filled the feeders this morning and a Bluejay noticed. It got a few peanuts before the parade of squirrels took over and systematically emptied the peanut wreath.

Imagine my surprise when I looked out to see a Stella d'Oro lily blooming today. We've had a couple freezing nights this week, the birdbath was iced over yesterday morning, so it was a treat to see this sunny yellow lily out there.

The next figure in the 3-D drawing book was a pile of rubbish. I'm in the "R"s and this was the next thing to draw. His example had a little guy that had climbed up to peer over the top but I just wasn't in the mood so I stopped before I got to him.

Then I enjoyed drawing the firefly and ladybug from Drawing Cute. The author even made a reference to the old Fox TV show, Firefly, and how much she had enjoyed that single season and movie. Too bad it was so short-lived, but I liked drawing the bugs.

Today's toss was an old baby doll that LC sorted out of the toy bin. I was thinking we'd toss the puppets but OJ strongly objected so we're keeping them for now.


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