Saturday, October 15, 2022

Some Birds

This morning I saw some birds! Birds that actually held still long enough for me to get the camera and take pictures. First there were these three Juncos hopping around in the grass pecking for seeds. They were okay with the Sparrows that came and went but kept on task finding something to eat.

Then I saw this Downy Woodpecker fly in and land on the tube feeder with three Sparrows already there. I keep expecting the woodpeckers to land on the suet pellets or cakes but half the time they're on the tube feeder or the birdbath. I've gotta be quick to nab a picture of them. Today I managed.

First thing this morning (after yoga and a shower) I worked on getting Horizon fixed and back on Amazon. I got the chapter snafu fixed and uploaded a new version of the manuscript with a few more things tweaked. Got it uploaded to Kindle and it's available now but there's a glitch in the paperback process that kept me from getting that back up and running too. They say they're working on it so I'll wait until tomorrow morning and try again. Oh, let's be honest, I'll try a half dozen times tonight before I go to bed just in case it gets fixed soon.

I drove up to Ellison Bay in Door County to meet my friend KS for lunch and an afternoon of crafting and chatting. Let's face it, there was a lot more talking than crafting but that's okay. I got a couple inches of sock knitted and she got some bees cross-stitched on her cool project bag. See? Doesn't that look amazing? The fall colors were at their peak this weekend but it was a drizzly, dreary day and the traffic was dreadful so I didn't stop to take any pictures. I was just happy to avoid the random leaf peepers that were having trouble staying at an even speed. Pay attention, people, or pull over!

When I got home I realized that I couldn't in all good conscience not draw for two days in a row so I was happy to see that Sketching was the next book in the rotation. I drew the Ritz cracker and cheese I had for supper, a banana (it has appeal!), and my sock and yarn. I'm getting braver drawing things that I don't see.

Then I pulled out the watercolors and painted a fish. A Caribbean fish, of course, and had fun wetting the paper and letting the colors blend before drying them with a hair dryer to speed up the process. I don't have the patience to let things dry in their own time so thank heavens for my old hair dryer.

I don't usually share my daily art but I really like the colors of today's page. It said to add circles so I found some colored paper circles to glue on and then used brush pens to make more circles and patterns. It pleases me.

Today's toss was a knitted owl that used to live in the backseat of my car when the grandkids were small. I suspect that if I don't get them donated to Goodwill before LC and especially OJ come over those lap blankets and knitted owls will come out of the toss bag and stay here for a while. That's okay.


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