Monday, October 3, 2022

But No Squirrel

 Just as I snapped the shutter button the squirrel dropped off the peanut wreath and scampered through the wide spot in the fence so all I'm left with is a picture of the peanut wreath with a few remaining peanuts. *sigh*

The gold mums are lagging behind in the blooming but are doing their level best to catch up. This is another color that I love. Maybe I should snip a few gold flowers and a few terracotta flowers and make myself a bouquet.

I pulled out the Sketching book that I bought on Saturday this afternoon and filled the page with little quick sketches of things in the book and on the table. It was fun but I should have colored some of them because they look a little dull. Oh well.

I cast on another washcloth this evening and knitted a few rows just to start it. I'm calling it Guacamole because of the colors.

Then I worked on the Autumn Desert cap. In real life it's hard to see where I'm switching yarns every three rounds but it's a little more visible in the photo. I don't really care, it'll look fine when I'm done.

OMG, I had such a day. I sold four copies of The Seaview--one to my hair stylist, one to her next client, one to JR my used car guy, and one to his mechanic. I was gobsmacked that people actually paid for it, one of them a complete stranger. Amazing!

I have to start talking up Horizon. It's another story about a widow and her adventures in life, love, and watercolors. You should read it too.

Today's toss was a couple rolls of washi tape that don't fit in my tape case and are too wide to use in my Bullet Journal.


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