Monday, October 17, 2022

I'm Cold

And the wind is blowing like crazy. It's 36 degrees and it's spitting rain a little. Thank god it's not snow. Colored leaves are tumbling down the street and I can't seem to get warm. I even made myself a mug of WW hot chocolate this afternoon to try to warm up my fingers but it only worked for a short time. Maybe I'll make another one.

I sat down here at the laptop this morning and hammered out 1390 words of Better Than Mom's. I sit down without an idea of what to write but then I just start and the words begin to flow. It's like magic. I only hope magic sticks around for next month's NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) because that's how I get my manuscripts. Fingers crossed but not too tightly so I can't type.

The next figure in Draw Like an Artist was a Spoonbill. I wasn't sure that I was getting it right as I drew it but I think it came out okay. I'm not too clear about how a Spoonbill looks but this resembles what's in the book so I'm satisfied.

Then I turned to the next page in 10-Steps: Nature to find this Hare. Well, my hare is a bit anorexic, especially in the neck area, and has kind of a wild look in his eye but it isn't bad. Could easily be worse.

The squirrels and Bluejays discovered the cob corn today and took turns visiting it. Mostly the Bluejays landed on the crook and the squirrel chased them away but a few times the birds managed to wriggle out a kernel before flying off. Because the crook is so far across the yard the picture isn't very sharp but you can kind of see a Bluejay, right?

One of the Black-eyed Susans that hasn't bloomed this year suddenly sent out a couple buds. I wonder if they'll get to full bloom before a killing frost. We've had light frosts, the fern fronds are looking frost scorched, but the coleus and mums are still doing okay.

I added a few rounds to the Get Off My Lawn! sock last night and forgot to show you so--ta da! It's growing slowly but it is growing. I've learned that if I knit on it, even a few rounds a night, it gets longer. Imagine that.

Today's toss was another soft dolly named Elvie that the kids don't play with anymore. LC doesn't play with dolls much, she's more of a voracious reader.

I've been sipping on my hot chocolate and my fingers and feet are starting to warm up. Hallelujah!


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