Friday, October 14, 2022

Lots of Birds

But no pictures. I tried, I really tried, but every time I reached to pick up the camera all the birds flew away. The only interesting birds were a trio of Juncos that hopped around, veering off whenever a Mourning Dove got too close. Those Mourning Doves are like the brontosauruses of the bird world. They're big and clumsy and don't know their own strength.

This morning I mustered up my guts and went to three bookstores and the central library asking if they'd take some of my books to sell. I came home with the same number of books that I left with but got the information on how to get that done. Two of the stores will take books on consignment, the third won't take books but offered to host a reading and book signing, and I figure I'll donate books to the library if they'll put them into the collection and not just shoot them down to the book sale immediately. All in all, not a bad morning. Man, I was nervous.

Then I got a call from Aunt B who is in the middle of reading Horizon. She discovered that there are chapters out of order. They go 19, 21, 20. Arrrgh! I don't know how that happened. I called Kindle Direct Publishing to find out how to fix the problem. They told me that I need to upload the corrected manuscript and it will supersede the one with the glaring error. I will hopefully get that done this weekend.


In light of all that book excitement I didn't do one lick of drawing today. I did go out to take a picture of the beautiful autumn trees next door and across the street.

And the mums which are blooming up a storm in front of the house.

Tonight at Friday Night Knitting I finished the Ara Cashmere Cap

and the Guacamole Washcloth and still had knitting time left so I worked on the Get Off My Lawn! Sock but that doesn't look much different.

Today's toss was another kid's lap blanket that no longer lives in the car.

It drizzled most of the day and it's cold--36 degrees--10 degrees colder than normal, whatever normal is anymore.


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