Thursday, October 13, 2022

Not One Bird

All the birds came to the feeders yesterday. None of them came today. I don't understand. There's still something in every feeder but the peanut wreath. Why? Maybe it was the drizzle?

I went to visit DS at Zambaldi Beer this morning. He was making biere de garde, a French style that I've never heard of. It smelled like a bakery in there though and I got to spend an hour chatting with my son. It was a win/win.

Then I went down to the library to sort books. There were a lot of books, boxes and boxes of military books that we fortunately didn't have to sort because they're already sorted by subject. Whew. Another Barbara came to sort so we worked our way through the other bags and boxes of books, lots of hardcover fiction books and fiction paperbacks which meant filling sorting boxes and stacking them with the others. It's sweaty work.

Today's bird in Draw Like an Artist was an Emu. It's an odd looking bird, isn't it? Lots of personality there.

I turned to the next figure in 10-Steps:Nature to find another bird, a Woodpecker. I'm happier with the tree than the bird but the bird's alright. I was hoping for a plant or a flower. I have a 10-Steps: Flowers book but I'm waiting to open it until I finish the Nature one.

Tonight I knitted to the crown decreases on the Ara Cashmere Cap. I could have started on the decreases but I decided to save it for Friday Night Knitting. I'll finish the cap and then knit on the washcloth or maybe the sock. It's such a shock to go from the cap to the sock, stepping down to the washcloth is easier.

As many words as I managed to write the last two days that's how few I cranked out today. I sat and stared at the laptop screen and eked out a measly 56 words. Tomorrow will be better, she says hopefully.

It rained off and on today, just enough to be annoying but not enough to water the plants. And it was cold. I don't think it got up to 50 degrees and it was breezy. I had to go to the grocery for a few things and wished I'd worn a heavier coat. Or at least zipped up the jacket I had on.

Today's toss was a lap blanket I made for LC when she was little and riding in the backseat of my car.


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