Wednesday, October 5, 2022


My writing brain and fingers were rekindled by my week-long stay at The Clearing. I can't seem to stop working on my Island Dreams manuscript. I finished another read-through today and need to put it away for a while. I'll fall back to Better Than Mom's tomorrow because that one isn't done and needs an end quarter and I don't know what to write, but I'll figure it out. I have a small starting place and will get more ideas as I type, I always do. I have to keep working on that one because I found the perfect free photo to use for the cover and I can't let that go to waste. And I'm excited about the prospect of figuring out The Seaview II during next month's NaNoWriMo. I'm so happy to have my writing brain back. It was dormant for a couple years and that made me sad but now I'm back, baby.

I saw a Cardinal in the backyard this afternoon and I haven't seen one of those birds in weeks. I was so glad to see him I shot a picture through the screen just in case he didn't move so that I could take a non-screen filtered picture but he flew down to the spilled seed under the feeder so I got this shot of him looking a little belligerent.

One of the Stella d'Oro lilies sent out a flower today and I was lucky enough to see it and take a picture to show you that even though it's October there are still flowers blooming in my yard. Flowers that aren't chrysanthemums.

I pulled out the Draw Sea Creatures book that I bought to give to OJ today and tried my hand at drawing the first few creatures just to see if I think he'd like them. I don't know if he will but he complained that he hasn't had any ideas lately and it's upset him so maybe a book with drawing steps in it will help ease the frustration.

I didn't do so well when I got to the pelican in Draw Like An Artist late this afternoon. Maybe my eyes were too tired from squinting at the computer screen but I don't think that this is my best pelican ever. It's his feet and legs, they're too thick and stubby. Maybe I can fix them tomorrow.

I cast on a sock this evening while watching TV and knitted just a few rounds of the cuff so that I had something to take a picture of. The name of the yarn colorway is Get Off My Lawn! I had to buy it just for the name. There's only a little green and lots of white which is okay because I don't have any white handknit socks.

Today was furnace tune-up day at the duplex. I had the nicest service guy come. He was here in the spring to service the air conditioners and I was happy to see him again. He's efficient, friendly, funny, and kind of cute. Everything you want in a service guy.

Oh, you know that yarn that kept breaking so I threw it away last night? Well, I couldn't stop thinking about the color and how I really want a sock made with that yarn so I went online, found the company it came from, and ordered another skein. With two others of different colors. I seem to be on a yarn buying jag. Somebody stop me!


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