Wednesday, October 19, 2022

The Last Mowing

I hope. The wind died down quite a bit today and this afternoon the sun actually came out for the first day in about a week so I went out and did what I hope is the last mowing of 2022. The mower mulched the leaves that were on the lawn so I didn't have to bag the clippings. I know you can't really tell the change in the lawn but, trust me, it looks much better. Less leaf-y. Also the wind was coming from the northwest which meant that first I had the aroma of Bounce but then the neighbor's dryer must have shut off because I had the aroma of Burger King. Oh, flame-broiled burgers. Smells so good, but I resisted the urge to go get one.

Just as I was finishing yoga this morning a Downy Woodpecker flew to the suet pellets and then down to the suet cake. I delayed taking the last pose (downward facing dog) to take this picture. I have my priorities, you know.

The next figure in the 3-D book was this rhino. Meh.

The next figures in Drawing Cute were a lion and a tiger. Those I like even though I could have drawn the lion bigger. It seems a little puny up there in the middle of all that space.


After mowing I whipped up a batch of WW Curried Chicken Salad. I'm going to a picnic on Friday in Waukesha and we have to bring our own lunches so I made the salad a couple days ahead so that the flavors can meld. It's supposed to have halved grapes in it but I ate the last of the grapes with my lunch. I plan to go to the grocery tomorrow so I can add the grapes tomorrow afternoon. Yum. Also it's supposed to be 70 degrees down there on Friday. Hooray!

I have been writing up a storm over the last week. These are six new scenes for Better Than Mom's and I've got about 76k words in the whole manuscript, heading toward 80k. I'm looking upon this as a warm up for NaNoWriMo which starts November 1. I have high hopes for this year since I'm pretty happy with how last year's effort, Island Dreams, is turning out. Fingers crossed.

This evening after my shower I sat down to watch TV and knitted to the heel flap on the Get Off My Lawn! Sock. I knitted one repeat of the heel flap just to get it going but I'll probably save it for Friday Night Knitting. Uh-oh, knitting I have to think about.

Today's toss were some wooden numerals from the toy bin.


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