Monday, August 1, 2022


I'm going to start out the blog today with the last drawing I made this afternoon. It's from my favorite book, 10-Steps: Nature and it's called Bee Orchid. I don't think that the flowers look much like bees but maybe they're supposed to attract bees. Whatever, I like the way the drawing turned out.

I was less successful with the next figure in 15-Minute Artist. It's a big bow and I had the devil of a time coloring it to make it look like the picture in the book. I finally gave up and said "good enough."

The Black-eyed Susans are blooming like crazy. It seems like one flower fades and three more open.

I got a laugh watching this squirrel. It kept climbing up into the patio umbrella, dropping down onto the table, and trying again. Evidently this was its goal, to perch on top staring in at me. It stayed up there for quite a while, warming it's belly in the sunshine.

Today's toss was a big one. I attached the bike carrier to the back of my car and got my old bike and helmet off the garage wall, loaded it up, and took it to St. Vincent de Paul. It's a nice bike and someone will be able to make good use of it. I gave them the bike carrier too. It isn't doing anyone any good hanging on my garage wall and I knew that I wasn't going to ride it anymore. I'm beyond bike riding, besides I was never very good at it.

I was supposed to go out to lunch with the St. Agnes Class of '65 today but it occurred to me that I'm having surgery on Thursday and I needed to limit my unmasked exposure so I don't catch anything before then. So I stayed home from lunch. I did go to the birdseed store and the grocery store but I wore an N95 mask in both places which I hope kept me safe. Knock wood.

I got to spend the evening with the small people. I picked them up from day care, swung by McD's for Happy Meals, and took them home. We spent the time reading. I mean, they each had their noses in books so I was glad that I had an eBook on my phone so I had something to read too. Then I read a book about slime as bedtime reading. Very interesting.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

The Bee Orchid drawing is outstanding. Anything you do from that book is always beautiful. And the Black-Eyed Susans do make a statement. Plus the cute squirrel picture. Great shots all the way around today.